What is the newest development at the port, especially Tanjung Priok port of Jakarta? The development of Kalibaru terminals? Yes, that's certainly a good answer. But, there is another of it. So, what is that? That's of the simultaneous establishment of many subsidiaries by the Indonesia Port Corp. (Pelindo) II. The policy had triggered harsh response from private firms because those newly set-up companies overlap with their existing business venture. Now, the business profile at Tanjung Priok is like this: private firms and Pelindo II (with its subsidiaries) go hand-in-hand. But, they are substantially not in a level playing field. One party is little bit higher than the other. So, it is a deadly co-existence. According to business associations like the Indonesia Chambers of Commerce (Kadin), the Indonesia Stevedoring Association/APBMI, the Indonesia Port Haulers Association-Organda Angsuspel to mention some of them, the asymetric standing has pushed several members of thei...