In search for a new IMO Secretary-General – assessing Indonesia’s strength at the Global Maritime Forum

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) will soon elect a new Secretary-General. The incumbent Secretary-General, Kitack Lim, is to end his term in December 2023. The selection process to find a successor for the leader of the organization, which is under the United Nations, started in December 2022. March 31 was the deadline for nominating candidates. Seven have been proposed by seven member countries of the organization, whose Headquarters are based in the city of London. Media reported that the seven candidates include Moin Uddin Ahmed (Bangladesh), Suat Hayri Aka (Turkiye), Arsenio Antonio Dominguez Velasco (Panama), Cleopatra Doumbia-Henry (Dominica), Nancy Karigithu (Kenya), Minna Kivimäki (Finland) and Zhang Xiaojie (China). Their fate will be determined in elections by the IMO Council, which will hold its 129th meeting in July 2023. As a member country, Indonesia did not nominate any of its compatriots, despite the lack of any impediment. What a pity. Why is it ...